"Stop Snoring Remedy using
Vitamin E & Unique Blend of Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils
as throat lubricants !"
- All natural, healthy ingredients.
- Safe to use every night.
- No known side effects.
- Easy spray top.
- Can provide long lasting results.
- Works for cotton mouth, colds,
and sore throats.
- Kills germs - contains essential
oils that are anti-bacterial.
- Freshens breath.
- Tastes great!
".... my
snoring was so loud I started sleeping in the guest bedroom."
" ...Its been embarrassing to stay with our family when
we visit.."
"... I am ready to have a really good nights sleep!"
"... I snored so loud, I'd wake myself up."
" ... my wife never had a sound sleep, because my
snoring was keeping her awake."
Does this sound familiar?
Snoring is a major problem for many people. The National Sleep Foundation
estimated last year that 56 percent of men and 36 percent of women snore at
least a few nights a week, more than a third of them loudly enough to be
heard through closed doors. And, virtually every one of them and their
families would like to find a way to...
Snoring Now
What Is
Snoring is noisy breathing
through the open mouth during sleep. It is produced by vibrations of the
soft palate. Snoring is usually caused by conditions that interfere with
breathing through the nose, such as a common cold, allergies, or enlarged
adenoids. It is more common while sleeping on your back, when the lower jaw
tends to drop open.
What The
Professionals Say?
Kingman Strohl, M.D., head of the sleep
disorders program at the Louis Stokes Veterans Affairs Medical Center in
Cleveland says, "The average volume of snorers is 60 decibels, about as loud
as normal speech, but really loud snorers can reach 80 to 82 decibels, the
level of a loud yell. And record-setters have registered at 90 decibels."
That can be devastating for both snorer and spouse, doctors say.
The chronic lack of sleep can make
non-snoring partners irritable, affect concentration and judgment and even
harm the marriage. But snorers have no control over their noisemaking,
doctors emphasize.
Sleep For Everyone Is Critical
Chronic snorers become
desperate for good sleep—and their families equally desperate for some peace
and quiet.
In a recent study at the Mayo Clinic's
Sleep Disorders Center, John Shepard, Jr., M.D., found that bed partners of
heroic snorers are awakened an average of 23 times a night.
Is that a serious problem?
"Set your alarm an hour earlier every morning for a week or so, and see what
you feel like," he answers.
Try - Stop Snoring for Snoring
Stop Snoring is designed to reduce the noise associated with snoring,
and many times, it eliminates the snore altogether. Just spray the back of
the throat and tongue with our special formula that tastes good, and enjoy a
restful quiet sleep.
Sleep With Stop Snoring
Stop Snoring contains all natural ingredients. It coats the throat
with natural lubricants including Essential Oils. No drugs, just pure, healthy ingredients.
Stop Snoring
- All natural, healthy ingredients.
- Safe to use every night.
- No known side effects.
- Easy spray top.
- Simple to use.
- Can provide long lasting results.
- Works for cotton mouth, colds,
and sore throats.
- Kills germs - contains essential
oils that are anti-bacterial.
- Freshens breath.
- Tastes great!

Our Privacy and Guarantee Policies
- Spray 4 to 7 times into back and
upper part of mouth each night before bedtime. Gently swallow. Avoid
food or drink for at least 20-30 minutes.
- Silence may also be used to ease
a dry mouth or throat due to emotional stress (performing, singing, or
public speaking), coughing, or strenuous exercise. For daily use spray
1-4 times.
The National Sleep
Mayo Clinic's Sleep
Disorders Center
Louis Stokes
Veterans Affairs Medical Center
The National Center
on Sleep Disorders Research